Monday, July 18, 2011

Mango Lassi Popsicles

FACT: Pictures and stories aren't the only ones to have an impact on this blog! Recipes are a HUGE part of living simply. 

Mango Lassi Popsicles
These pops are absolutely a favorite! Creamy and fruity, this refreshing sweet is a must-have during summer. But they're so good, I'd say year round!

1 large mango 
1/4 cup orange juice
1 1/2 cups vanilla or plain yogurt
3 tbsp. sugar

Directions: Peel the mango and take out the pit; discard pit. Puree mango and orange juice in a food processor or blender. In a medium-large bowl, stir the yogurt until smooth and creamy. Stir in the sugar. Then add the mango mixture. Stir until smooth. Freeze in popsicle molds for 3-8 hours. 
Enjoy your Mango Lassi Pops! 

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